What is the WV Infant/Toddler Mental Health Endorsement?

The Competency Guidelines for Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health® (Endorsement) are internationally recognized credentials that support and recognize the development and proficiency of professionals who work with or on behalf of pregnant people, young children, birth up to 3-years old, and their families. The Infant Mental Health Endorsement® (IMH-E®) is based on a set of competencies designed to support and enhance culturally sensitive, relationship focused practice within the framework of infant mental health. An Endorsement applicant demonstrates acquisition of these competencies through education, work, specialized training, and reflective supervision experiences.

Endorsement is available across four practice specialties spanning the continuum of care. Individuals apply for the Endorsement category that best matches their scope of practice.

Infant Mental Health Endorsement®

  • Infant Family Associate: Promotion
  • Infant Family Specialist and Infant Family Reflective Supervisor: Prevention/Early Intervention
  • Infant Mental Health Specialist: Clinical Intervention/Treatment
  • Infant Mental Health Mentor: Macro
Who can apply?

Working with our youngest citizens requires specialized training and experience, and IMH-E® ensures professionals have attained a certain level of expertise with 0 – 3 year olds and their families. IMH-E® is relevant for professionals across disciplines including early care and education, prevention and early intervention, home visitation, medicine, child welfare, mental health, policy, academia, and others.

To view the active registry of those Endorsed within West Virginia, click here

Pathway to Endorsement

Each IMH-E® category has specific work, education, in-service training, and reflective supervision/consultation requirements, specific to pregnant people, young children, aged 0-36 months, and their families.  In addition, IMH-E® applicants will demonstrate achievement of competencies, as defined in the desired category. This table represents only a summary of the IMH-E® categories.  Detailed information specific to each category can be found in the Competency Guidelines.

Ten Steps to Endorsement:

To access the West Virginia Endorsement Application System (EASy) login, click here.

  1. Become a member of the West Virginia Infant/Toddler Mental Health Association.
  2. Determine which Endorsement category is best for you based on your scope of practice: promotion, prevention/early intervention, clinical intervention/treatment, or macro.
  3. Register on EASy the West Virginia Infant/Toddler Mental Health Association web-based system for compiling applications for Endorsement.  The first time you visit EASy, select “Register” under “New Applicant”.
  4. To register, EASy requires you to answer a few short questions.  Complete and submit, including payment of the EASy Registration Fee.
  5. Log into EASy using the username and password issued to you via email from EASy and begin to prepare your application.
  6. Work on your application. Contact the michelle@nurturingwvbabies.org for more information as you complete your application.
  7. Once completed, submit your application along with the Processing Fee.
  8. Your application will undergo an application review.  For Infant Mental Health Specialist & Infant Mental Health Mentor applicants, you’ll also need to successfully pass an Endorsement exam
  9. Endorsement!
  10. Proudly use your Endorsement credential to tell employers, parents, health and legal practitioners, and insurance providers that you have expertise related to the social and emotional development of infants and young children in families!
Benefits of Endorsement

National Recognition

IMH-E® is recognized around the world for specialized skills and knowledge, assuring the workforce is prepared to support the optimal development of all young children

Improved Outcomes for Children

Children and families can know they are receiving culturally-sensitive, relationship-focused best practices around a common set of core competencies

Networking Opportunities

Endorsement connects you to a variety of professionals, in a statewide and national platform, all working to support infant mental health best practices

Professional Development

Endorsement offers individuals a professional development plan that focuses on knowledge, best practice skills and reflective work experiences that lead to increased confidence and credibility

Expanded Impact and Outreach

Through collaboration and networking, professionals gain a broader knowledge of the field that ensures consistency of professional standards across programs, no matter the model, location, or discipline

Reflection and Self Care

Endorsement values the integration of reflective practices, bringing awareness of one's own powerful attitudes and feelings while being present with families experiencing a range of emotions

Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia
Partners in Community Outreach West Virginia
Western Regional CASA
West Virginia Infant Toddler Mental Health Association
Mountain State Healthy Families