The home visitation models/programs currently providing services in the State include: Healthy Families America; Maternal Infant Health Outreach Workers (MIHOW); Parents as Teachers; Birth to Three; Early Head Start; Right From The Start; Healthy Start/Helping Appalachian Parents & Infants Project (HAPI); and Save the Children.
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Recent News
MIECHV Reauthorized for Five Years at Level Funding
For the past 18 months, you have called, e-mailed and visited your members of Congress, held interviews with the media, engaged in social media, responded to numerous alerts to the field, attended countless meetings and strategy calls and put your heart and soul into nurturing and protecting MIECHV for the thousands of children and families it serves today and those it will help become healthy and prosperous adults in the years to come. Thank you for your commitment [...]
MIHOW Works!
Study Staff (L-R): Joselyn Hernandez, Sulma Lazo de Paz, Carolina Abrigo, Anais Riggs,and Tonya Elkins Thank you to Catholic Charities staff for providing high quality services in accordance with the MIHOW model. How was the study set up? - The Logistics Vanderbilt University partnered with Catholic Charities of Middle Tennessee to conduct a randomized control trial to find out how well the MIHOW model works with Hispanic families. Study recruitment began in summer of 2015 and the last family [...]