Partners in Prevention

Partners in Prevention is a unique model of communities working together to strengthen families and help West Virginia’s children grow up free from abuse and neglect.

This model is based on the belief that child well-being hinges on the capacity of local communities to support families and protect children. Partners in Prevention (PIP) teams focus on the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework, developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP). At the foundation of this approach are five protective factors that make positive outcomes more likely for young children and their families, and reduce the risk of child maltreatment. The protective factors include:

  • Parental Resilience
  • Social Connections
  • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
  • Concrete Support in Times of Need
  • Social and Emotional Competence of Children

In 2025, the Partners in Prevention network expanded to 54 community teams across West Virginia implementing various community projects and working together to keep children safe. They offer family support, resource distribution, educational workshops, and referral to other services when needed. You can view a summary of each team’s prevention work here.

Participating PIP teams receive annual grants to conduct local projects that strengthen families, protect children, and engage the public in these efforts.

The goals of the teams are to:

  • Raise awareness about the prevention of child abuse and neglect
  • Develop and expand effective services that prevent or reduce child maltreatment
  • Inform policymakers about best practices in the prevention of child abuse and neglect

The Partners in Prevention Community Grants are supported by The West Virginia Children’s Trust Fund and the WV Department of Human Services.

Community Teams

Partners in Prevention teams are now present in 54 counties in West Virginia. In FY 2025, each team received $7,500 in grant funds to implement various community projects that increase protective factors for families and mitigate risk factors for child abuse and neglect.

For additional information about Partners in Prevention, please contact Jessica Dianellos, PCAWV Community Partnerships Coordinator, at (304) 552-4000 or by email at

Our Story by the Numbers

During the past year, Partners in Prevention teams across the state of West Virginia:

individuals and organizations received Public Education and/or Services
pieces of educational materials and/or resource packets were distributed to caregivers and community members
individuals and/or organizations were trained through locally-based workshops and a variety of prevention curricula
public events were coordinated in their communities
public messages were generated (via print articles, radio, television, and social media) about the importance of supporting and nurturing children and families, as well as public engagement activities to help families thrive
2025 Innovation Grant Recipients

Since 2003, Partners in Prevention teams across the state have implemented a wide range of community-based activities focused on strengthening West Virginia families and helping children thrive. Thanks to funds from the WV Department of Human Services and the US Department of Health and Human Services, we have awarded five outstanding Partners in Prevention teams with “Innovation Grants” to advance their efforts through larger scale projects.

The teams below received $25,000 each to implement projects that prioritize primary prevention (i.e. strengthening protective factors to prevent child maltreatment before it occurs) and that exceed those activities currently funded by the annual Partners in Prevention mini-grants of $7,500.

Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia
Partners in Community Outreach West Virginia
Western Regional CASA
West Virginia Infant Toddler Mental Health Association
Mountain State Healthy Families