Keep Your Cool When Baby Cries
All babies cry — sometimes for a long time, and sometimes at the wrong time. When you feel like you’re about to lose your mind from the crying:
- Make sure the baby is safe — in his or her crib, on his or her back.
- Make sure the baby isn’t hungry, sick or in need of a diaper change.
- Then, step away for a few minutes if you have to. Or call someone for help.
Have a plan like Greg’s:
- Step outside and walk around the yard.
- Play some tunes to chill myself and the baby.
- Call a friend or my mom for advice.
What’s your plan? Write it down.
This program is being presented with financial assistance as a grant to the TEAM for West Virginia.
Children from the WV Department of Health and Human Resources
and funding support from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.