Our Partnerships
Circle of Parents

Circle of Parents is a national network of parent-led self-help groups, where parents and caregivers share ideas, celebrate successes, and address the challenges surrounding parenting.  In 2012, Circle of Parents was launched in West Virginia and has grown to a current network of 28 parent-led groups meeting throughout the state, coupled with opportunities for continuing statewide facilitator training.

Darkness to Light / Stewards of Children

Stewards of Children is a national child sexual abuse prevention program that educates adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.  Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia, through its Partners in Prevention initiative, introduced the program to West Virginia in 2008 and has subsequently facilitated multiple Train-the-Trainer workshops.  These efforts have in-turn established a cadre of trainers available to offer this research-based curriculum to communities across the state.

Our Babies: Safe and Sound

Our Babies: Safe and Sound is an educational campaign, launched in West Virginia in 2010, that provides parents and other caregivers of infants under the age of one, as well as expectant parents and professionals, with information and tips on ways to keep babies safe while sleeping, and how to keep your cool when babies cry.  The overall goal of the campaign is to help prevent West Virginia infants from injury and death.   The campaign features three levels of activity: Education of parents and other caregivers, particularly those caring for infants and babies from birth to age 1; reinforcement in West Virginia communities by local organizations, agencies, providers and networks; and promotion through television and radio advertising across the state.

Partners in Prevention

Partners in Prevention is a unique model of communities working together to strengthen families and help West Virginia’s children grow up free from abuse and neglect.  This model is based on the belief that child well-being hinges on the capacity of local communities to support families and protect children.   Beginning with a partnership of 22 teams in 2003, the program has grown to a network of forty-four community teams across the state participating in this program of educational workshops, networking, and mini-grants.

WV ACES Coalition

The ACES Coalition of West Virginia, formed in 2016, includes over 70 organizations and individuals working together to improve the health and well-being of all West Virginians by reducing the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and preventing their occurrence.  The WV ACES Coalition Advocates for resources to support best practices to reduce the burden of ACEs; Coordinates across agency boundaries to deliver the best possible services to reduce and mitigate ACEs; and Educates the public and influential citizens/leaders on the role of ACEs in the present health and economic problems facing our state.

WV Child Advocacy Network

The WV Child Advocacy Network is a state leader in the fight against child abuse.  The network connects the community and professionals with the resources they need to ensure all children have access to safe, quality care. Through the 21 Child Advocacy Centers across the state, 40 West Virginia counties are served.  Prevent Child Abuse WV partners with the WV Child Advocacy Network in the prevention services that the Center’s provide, in public awareness and engagement activities during national child abuse prevention month, and in championing public policy issues that support and promote family and child well-being.

Our Children, Our Future

The Our Children, Our Future Campaign is a statewide alliance to end child poverty.  This coalition of over 177 organizations, congregations, neighborhood groups, unions, businesses, and students provides a statewide voice of children, families, and allies working together for a better West Virginia for our children.

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Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia
Partners in Community Outreach West Virginia
Western Regional CASA
West Virginia Infant Toddler Mental Health Association
Mountain State Healthy Families